Vegetable soup

1 Onions, 2 cloves garlic crushed , 4 sprigs cilantro, 2 lg potatoes , 1/2 cauliflower, 1 chayote, 3 carrots , 1 red peppers, 3 stalks celery, 2 sprigs chopped scallions 4 C water or vegetable stock. Salt, pepper
Cut up veggies into bite size pieces In a large pot put in 2 tbsp oil sauté onions and garlic till translucent. Add in celery, chayote, carrots, potatoes and stir ingredients.Add water to cover vegetables and cook for about 40 mins in med heat or until soft. Add about a cup more of water if needed . Then throw in peppers, cauliflower, cilantro and cook another 10 mins or so till desired. Add salt and pepper to taste
Garnish with chopped scallions

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