■2-4 lamb shanks, depending on size
■1 bottle French or Greek salad dressing
■1 onion, quartered
■1 lemon, quartered
■fresh rosemary
■fresh origanum
■fresh garlic (you can either cut the garlic in half like I did, or just toss the whole cloves into the baking dish)
1.Pre-heat the oven to 160°c or outside in you weber of in a potjie.
2.Place the lamb shanks in a baking dish so they all lie flat.
3.Pour over the salad dressing and place the onion, lemon, fresh herbs and garlic into the dish.
4.Cover with foil and place in the oven for 2-3 hours.
5.After this time, remove the dish from the oven and check whether the meat is softened yet. Depending on their size, they might need another hour in the oven. If they are soft, you can place them back in the oven, turn up the heat to 200°c and allow them to brown for 15 minutes. If they are not as soft as you would like them, return them to the oven, turn the heat up to 180°c and cook them for another hour, covered. When they are soft, brown them for 15 minutes.
6.Serve with starch of your choice and vegetables.

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