Smothered fried pork chops


6-8 center cut pork chops 1/2 sliced onion 1/2 sliced yellow, red peppers 1/2 chopped green pepper 1 stalk chopped celery 1 tsp minced garlic 2-3 sprigs fresh thyme Chicken broth Old bay (Cajun seasoning) Black pepper Paprika Flour Cooking oil Salt to taste


Season chops with old bay, paprika, black pepper. Lightly dust with flour. Bring a heavy pan to med high heat. Cook chops on each side for 3-4 minutes until golden brown and crispy. Set aside. In the same pan, add the vegetables and sautee until softened. Sprinkle in some of the remaining flour and stir until lightly browned. (Not too much, just enough to absorb the oil remaining in the pan. The coating on the pork chops will also thicken the gravy) Add minced garlic then chicken broth, stir, cover and let simmer for 5 minutes until it begins to thicken….taste and add spices to your liking. Nestle pork chops into the gravy, add thyme sprigs, cover and cook on med heat for 30 minutes until the chops are tender and delicious.

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